Category Archives: Software

FakeItEasy and Partial Mocking

By | April 27, 2015

There are many situations where you want to partially mock the class. You typically want to change the behavior of a single method in a class having many methods. So what you do is partial mocking. FakeItEasy and Partial Mocking go very well together.

FakeItEasy and a case of method configuration

By | April 24, 2015

Recently while writing unit tests for a device driver I came across a situation. I had to simulate the call to the device to wait for sometime and then throw an error and then check if I handled it properly. This helped. This configures the Start method (which in real life issues command to the… Read More »

FakeItEasy and Protected methods

By | April 24, 2015

I often find myself dealing with protected methods in the unit testing land. Now if the method is public then this works A.CallTo(() => fakeObject.MethodUnderTest()).MustHaveHappened(); However when the method is protected then it does not fly. With FakeItEasy you have to take the different approach. A.CallTo(fakeObject).Where(x => x.Method.Name ==”MethodUnderTest”).MustHaveHappened(); And needless to say, the method… Read More »