Category Archives: Design Patterns

Microsoft Unity Tutorial

By | November 4, 2015

This Microsoft Unity Tutorial will aim to make is easy for the uninitiated to work with Microsoft Unity. Unity is a dependency injection container. The best source for Unity remains the developer guide which is also available as a free eBook download. I will strongly recommend that you get a foundation on Inversion of Control(IoC)… Read More »

Adapter Design Pattern Explained

By | August 22, 2015

In this tutorial we will implement Adapter design pattern using c++. And I will use the much denounced multiple inheritance in c++ too. Adapter design pattern is one of the easier design patterns. As usual, we will first discuss the “WHY” and then the “HOW”.

Decorator Pattern Explained

By | July 2, 2015

This is going to be a brief c# based Decorator pattern tutorial. It will not be a techincal UML heavy “Chewing Dry straw” kind of tutorial. It will be Caveman Style. Fun, Simple  and informative. The Decorator Pattern example used is simple yet powerful enough to highlight its key points.